Our Services Therapies One-to-one physiotherapy Neuro-muscular Energising Technique Great for targeting weak muscles Neuro-muscular Energising Technique – known as NET – is delivered on a one-to-one basis, and is aimed at increasing muscle function by targeting neural pathways, which may have been affected by your condition. The aim is to target and strengthen the weak muscle group to help improve mobility. It is designed to work on balance, strength, muscle group coordination, flexibility and more importantly preventing falls in people with neurologically impaired movement. The frequency of relapses, spasms and cramps are lessoned and the effects of the condition specific tremors and fatigue are significantly reduced. Mobility gain and increased control are two significant benefits of the technique as well as regaining strength in the legs. The impact on confidence as well as reduced risk to patient and carer are also important factors in this technique and its value to the patients. Sessions require a lot of concentration by therapist and member alike and focus on trying to position and hold the limbs in functional postures. Sessions are held on a rolling, six weeks on/six weeks off, basis and participants are actively encouraged to attend the group physiotherapy sessions in between to maintain and maximize any gains achieved. We aim to make each session fun, as well as focused, and progress can be measured in improved transfers, balance and mobility. Our suggested donation for this service is £15.00 per individual treatment session with one of our physiotherapists. Due to demand this operates on a 6 week rota basis. Should you wish to put your name down for it, or want further information, please speak to our therapies team at the Centre. Other techniques that we use during individual physiotherapy include: Balance Trainer A dynamic standing frame suitable for people with balance issues and for wheelchair users. It allows you to stand upright with minimal effort, whilst being supported, giving a natural standing feeling. The benefits of using this equipment are improved circulation, sustained muscle power, improvement in muscle flexibility, increased metabolic process, improved bladder and bowel function, increased stamina levels and decreased fluid retention. Please ask Elpida or Louise if you are interested in using this equipment. Wii Fit Is it time to beat your children, or grandchildren at their own game? Come and have fun testing your skills with our Wii Fit equipment. Wii Fit games are an ideal way to work on your exercise goals whilst having fun, and are well tolerated by patients with MS, PD and other neurological conditions. It’s a good tool for the rehabilitation of lower limb function, co-ordination and especially for balance. You can rent out the equipment with a secured deposit or why not try it at the Centre. Please ask a member of staff if you would like to have a go on it. We also make use of our accessible gym equipment, VibroGym and even boxing sessions! Manage Cookie Preferences