Our crowdfunding project to support our return to in-Centre services alongside developing our virtual offer closes at 12 noon on 16th June. We'd love as many people as possible to support our project, so that we can establish our services as restrictions lift and we can start to return to normal.

Many people have seen benefits from our virtual services – we’d love to gain the funds we need to run our online and face-to-face services simultaneously.

This funding will enable us to start our development process - converting an area of our Centre to enable telephone support and virtual exercise classes to continue whilst using our existing facilities to re-establish our face-to-face services.

The life-changing difference

Our support focuses on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals with neurological conditions and their Carers. Our support is offered free. 


  • In-Centre 1-1 physiotherapy
  • In-Centre group physiotherapy sessions at a range of abilities
  • In-Centre fitness & exercise session in our adapted gym
  • Online live physiotherapy and exercise sessions at a range of abilities
  • Online individual physiotherapy sessions
  • Filmed bank of recorded exercise sessions, available on-demand 


  • Individual counselling available in-Centre, online and over the telephone.
  • A range of dedicated support groups
  • Telephone support service for keep-in-touch calls
  • Social activities
  • Peer support
  • In-Centre café 


  • Individuals can take a proactive and preventive approach to managing conditions
  • Greater service-user choice – virtual and In-Centre options
  • Oxygen therapy - giving people a range of treatment options
  • Listening Programme - peer support from trained volunteers
  • Information and advice - regular communications to keep people connected, promote participation; and signposting to other agencies  

You can support our project below: