Working people with long term neurological conditions often have difficulty accessing physical therapy that’s suitable for them in terms of equipment and specialist personnel.  The Neuro Therapy Centre on the outskirts of Chester supports people with long term neurological conditions and recognises that there’s a demand for late night opening so working people can access the specialist gym.   

Following the success of a pilot scheme testing out evening opening on Mondays, it’s opening later on Wednesdays too.  As from  7th February, the Centre will stay open until 7pm on a Monday and 6pm on a Wednesday, and there’s an extra class being put on for those who like a good workout. 

The new class will be a 40 minute high intensity Circuit session, with a physiotherapist leading the group in a range of tailored exercises on specialised exercise stations.  It’s designed to improve endurance, strength and cardiovascular fitness and it’s just one of the wide variety of exercise and therapy sessions held at the Neuro Therapy Centre every week.  

The Centre has been running for almost 40 years.  It supports people with a wide range of long-term neurological conditions including MS, Parkinson’s Disease, ME, MND, FND, Ataxia and Fibromyalgia through regular physiotherapy, tailored exercise opportunities, counselling and support groups, as well as opportunities for people to meet and share experiences. 

If you have a long-term neurological condition, or care for someone who does, and you’d like to find out more about the Neuro Therapy Centre call us on 01244 678619.