Here at the Neuro Therapy Centre we are trying our utmost to keep you all updated with all the new guidelines and advice regarding this recent COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are sharing information regarding how best to shield yourselves from the virus and keep you out of harms way, we strongly advise keeping yourselves up-to-date with the guidelines and information provided by the NHS and GOV.UK websites.

On this page we have provided accessible COVID-19 materials. For easy read documents on the government’s guidelines please click here.  

For accessible materials which can be used as a means of effective communication for those with verbal communication restrictions please click here. These visual tools can be used to communicate and issues, questions or concerns a person may have about COVID-19. 

Ways to keep safe:

If you develop a new and persistent cough and/or a temperature of 37.8C or above please follow the following advice – always confirm these advisories by visiting the NHS and GOV.UK websites.

If you are feeling unwell and have any symptoms of COVID-19, you and your household should isolate immediately for 2 weeks. Do not leave your house. Get any medication or shopping essentials delivered to you.

Check your symptoms and follow the advice of the NHS 111 website. Do not call 111 unless the guidance on the website instructs or advises you to do so, or you are unable to access the website.

For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for an ambulance.

Do not go to your GP surgery, if you seek medical attention or advice from your GP, ring the surgery first and explain your symptoms. Where possible you will be given a phone appointment. 

Dos & Don'ts 

  • DO wash your hands on a regular basis with soap and warm water for 2 minutes at a time.
  • DO Keep 2m apart even within your household.
  • DO NOT leave your home unless you are collecting medication, shopping for essential items, carrying out your daily exercise, travelling to essential work or dropping off supplies for a vulnerable person/s. If you are a vulnerable person, ask a trusted family member or friend to collect your prescriptions for you or phone your local pharmacy and ask if they can put you in contact with a trusted volunteer who can deliver your prescription to you.
  • DO NOT enter the homes of others even your loved ones. If you are dropping supplies off to a vulnerable person, leave the supplies on the doorstep where possible. If you are required to place the supplies into the home, keep 2m apart from the members of the household. Wash your hands before and after leaving. When caring for somebody you do not share a home with try to minimise your contact as much as possible without impacting the general care routine of this person.
  • DO keep moving. Where possible try to carry out exercise on a daily basis. Please follow us on social media to see some familiar faces, our Physiotherapists will be posting exercise videos for you to enjoy.
  • DO Keep in contact with friends and family via phone, email, Skype or FaceTime. It is important to socialise. Our staff will be trying their best to contact members to have a courtesy call to check how you are doing during this time of unease.
  • DO get fresh air, it is important to get fresh air and sunshine. Sit out in your garden where possible or sit next to an open window.
  • DO keep yourselves entertained, why not check out our entertainment blog post to see our suggestions on binge worthy series or podcasts. Also you can follow us on social media and be involved in some fun activities the Centre is suggesting.

You can find more advice on living with a vulnerable person/s here  

We cannot guarantee all advice on our website is current as the website is only monitored and amended during working hours. If you are feeling unwell please seek advice from the NHS or Government websites provided. We thank you for your patience.