There was a wonderfully festive atmosphere at the Centre’s Christmas party on Thursday 7th December. It was a packed house, with more than 70 people enjoying the entertainment, food and seasonal fun.  

We were entertained by our guest accordion players giving us Christmas tunes as members and Carers took their seats and our singer Jezz gave us some beautiful renditions of traditional tunes, with her gorgeous voice and lovely guitar playing. Thanks to Naomi, one of our members, there was a quiz to tax everyone’s brain.  

The food went down well – the tables were heaving with sandwiches and snacks, and we’re all very grateful to the support workers and volunteers who worked so hard to put together the delicious buffet. 

Father Christmas turned up to spread the joy and jollity – we told you he was real, didn’t we? – and our resident Elf and Grinch handed out presents for everyone.   A big thank you to Phoebe and Beth for wrapping 65 presents and getting covered in glitter! 

Lots of generous people donated prizes for our fabulous raffle – we’re really grateful to everyone who bought a ticket, as altogether, with ticket sales and the tombola, we raised over £1,700 for the Centre.  

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in organising this year’s Christmas Party, and to everyone who attended and made it so wonderful, and a day that will stay in our memories for a long time.