A2E Discussion Workshops The workshops below are targeted to specific audiences to support discussion and action planning around the findings and recommendations of the Access to Exercise project. You are welcome to join any of the workshops although we would encourage you to join the one(s) that link to your specific area of interest. Health and social care including commissioners Wednesday 26th October 10am-12pm We would like to meet with health and care professionals to discuss how to develop access to exercise and activity from health and care services. In particular we would like to ensure that what is offered ensure access for all and addresses health inequalities. Find out more and book a place Neurological Charities and Community Services including social prescribing/Primary Care Wednesday 16th November 10am-12pm We would like to meet with people who work in and / or use the resources charities offer to discuss the findings of the report and how charities can further support access to exercise and activity. Find out more and book a place People living with Conditions Wednesday 30th November 10am -12pm We would like to meet with people living with neurological conditions to talk through the findings in the report, and how you would like to be involved in developments in the future. Find out more and book a place Leisure Services Wednesday 18th January 2023 1-3pm We would like to meet with a range of leisure service and activity service provider to discuss the implications for leisure services identified in the report. If you would like to discuss the learning from the project with other people who work or use leisure services then please come along. Find out more and book a place Primary care and social prescribing Wednesday 1st February 2023 10am - 12pm We would like to meet with health care professionals who work in and around primary care and the commissioners to discuss the findings of the report and how primary care can enable greater access to opportunities for people living with neurological conditions. Find out more and book a place Manage Cookie Preferences