1 in 10 people has a neurological condition that the Centre is able to support through their emotional and physical services.

At 10.30am on Saturday 4th May I'm undertaking this challenge to raise important funds to support the Neuro Therapy Centre, so they can continue to offer their life-changing support.

In 2015 I was diagnosed with a neurological condition resulting from a traumatic head injury I suffered back in 2009 – it was a moment that changed my life. Amidst the uncertainty and challenges I found the Neuro Therapy Centre in 2018. 

This became the place where I found my confidence again, having joined balance classes, getting 1:1 physiotherapy and the wonderful group therapy sessions.  Through the support of the staff and other members, I began to witness a transformation within myself.  With each session, my balance improved, my confidence soared and life's obstacles seemed a little less daunting. 

Having found my confidence again, I dusted off my bike and took to the open road. I set annual challenges for myself and became fitter and healthier as a result.

This May, I’m undertaking a monumental challenge, not just for myself but also to give back to the NTC - the lifeline that has helped find my strength.  I'm also doing this in memory of my best mate Robert Owen Jones, who was the person who presented the Challege to me last year.  We were meant to do this together, but sadly he suddenly passed away last October. 

’ve set myself the challenge to ride from The Wild Pheasant in Llangollen, over World’s End finishing my journey in Llay. This 28km route is no ride in the park. With steep inclines, long descents, narrow lanes, and a ford crossing, it's a true test of endurance. But I'm determined to conquer it, aiming to complete the ride in around two hours.

Alongside me at World’s End will be my twin nieces, my pillars of support and motivation. Their presence will fill me with the determination needed to cross the finish line.

As I gear up for this epic ride, I invite you to join me in my mission to make a difference in the lives of others by raising funds for the NTC – please sponsor me via this page, and give what you can afford.  With your support, we can ensure that more people like me find the support they need with their own neurological conditions and are able to live their best Neuro life.

Jon Tyres 

John Thomas