There are a range of services available, both in Centre and virtually, to support your mental health.

Here is what is on offer in terms of support for your mental well-being. If you are interested in accessing any of these services, please contact our Counsellor, Glesni Roberts, at the Centre, or by e-mailing [email protected]


Counselling is available to all of our members. Counselling, or talking therapy, is a chance for you to discuss your problems without fear of judgement, with the aim of helping you overcome them. Counselling can help with common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and stress. It can also help you to deal with difficult life events, such as a bereavement, relationship problems, or health issues.

Sessions are delivered by our qualified counsellor, Glesni, who can offer sessions at the Centre, via telephone, or via Zoom. Please contact Glesni to access.


Neuro Listeners

This is for those people who might not need or want formal counselling, but who feel they would benefit from having someone to talk to. The service is provided by a team of volunteers who have been trained in listening skills. Phone calls can be arranged via Glesni, or keep an eye out for the Neuro Listeners in our café.

Mindfulness and Relaxation

We run these sessions every week on a Friday morning via Zoom, with the aim of letting go of the stresses of the week and getting you relaxed before the weekend! Please book through the members’ area.


Support Groups

Glesni facilitates a number of condition-specific support groups via Zoom.  There are groups for MS, ME, FND, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s and Ataxia. These are free to attend, but you must book in order to receive the link.


Gab and Go

This is our in Centre peer support Group, open to all members. It meets every Tuesday at 12:30pm


Coping With Caring

This is a course developed especially for Carers to help and support them in their caring role. Keep an eye out for future dates.

What can counselling help with?

Counselling can help you cope with:

  • A range of mental health issues, such as low mood, depression, anxiety or stress.
  • A change around your health such as new symptoms, new diagnosis, change in ability and changes within your role/identity.
  • A difficult life event such as bereavement, a relationship breakdown or work-related problems.
  • Difficult emotions – for example, low self-esteem, resentment, anger or frustration
  • Other issues, such as sexual identity, Covid 19 related struggles/changes.

What to expect from counselling

On your appointment, you'll be encouraged to talk about your feelings and emotions, Glesni will listen and support you without judging or criticising. What you talk about is in confidence and this will be explained to you at the beginning of your first appointment.

Glesni can help you gain a better understanding of your feelings and thought processes and help you find your own solutions to problems; but she won't usually give advice or tell you what to do. Although she can guide you through techniques and strategies to be able to manage your thoughts.

Counselling can take place:

  • On the telephone or on Zoom- You may be offered a single session of counselling or sessions over a few weeks or months. This will be assessed at the initial session. Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes;
  • face to face - You may be offered a single session of counselling, a short course of sessions over a few weeks or months, or a longer course that lasts for several months. Each session lasts approximately 50 minutes;
  • as part of a support group – we offer group support on Zoom for Lewy Body Dementia, Parkinsons, MS and ME/Fibromyalgia.

It can take a number of sessions before you start to see progress, but you should gradually feel more in control of your situation, thoughts/feelings.